Wisdom from Your Spirit Guides by James Van Praagh
Penguin Random House

Wisdom from Your Spirit Guides by James Van Praagh

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Whether you realize it or not, you’re in constant contact with your spirit guides. Your spirit guides, a team of energetic beings, are ever-present spiritual teachers offering guidance, support, wisdom, and love.

In this book, world-renowned spiritual medium James Van Praagh shares the benefits and rewards of having a conscious relationship with your guides. You’ll explore the many different guides you can encounter over the course of your life and lifetimes, including earth guides who have physical bodies and those who reside in the Spirit realm. Since our soul’s energy is constantly changing, our guides, too, are changing, making for a rich and infinite array of possibilities.

You will also discover where the guides come from and what they are here to do. James offers insights from the guides that deal with common situations, and shows you how to make contact with your own inner guides and protect yourself from unwanted energies. The book features a series of powerful energy-raising exercises and meditations to enrich your journey to understanding your guides and the assistance they can impart on your life. In doing so, you’ll learn how to work with your chakra points, increase your heart space, and ground yourself to receive messages from your guides.